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Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Aranya Kanda

Aranya Kanda (the book of Forest) is the third book of the Valmiki Ramayana, which is one of the two great epics of India (the other being the Mahabharata).
The book consists of 75 sargas (sometimes translated as chapters or "cantos") of Sanskrit verse.
During their exile,Sri Rama, Sita and Lakshmana journeyed southward. They visited the hermitages of many great sages. After spending more than ten years, they settled at Panchavati in the Dandaka forest.
A rakshasi woman, Surpanakha, the sister of Ravana, was captivated by the matchless beauty of Rama. She attempted to seduce him. But when she failed to win either of the two princes, she turned to attack Sita. Lakshmana cut off her nose and ears as a punishment. Hearing of this, her demon brother, Khara, organized an attack against the princes. Rama destroyed Khara and his huge army.
In order to avenge her humiliation, Surpanakha approached Ravana. She well knew of his weakness for women, and the wily demoness described the bewitching beauty of Sita. Her intention to bring this beautiful  woman to him was foiled and she was mutilated. Ravana was aroused more by lust than by anger and he resolved to punish Sri Rama by capturing Sita.
Abduction of Sita
Ravana elicited the aid of Maricha who assumed the form of a golden deer and enticed Sita. Entranced by the beauty of the deer, she pleaded with Rama to get her the deer. Leaving Sita under Lakshmana’s guard, he endlessly chased the deer. Unable to capture the deer, he shot a fatal arrow at it. With his last breath, Maricha called out the name of Lakshmana in the voice of Rama. When Sita heard the cry, she was afraid that his life was in danger. She insisted that Lakshmana rush to his aid. Lakshmana tried to assure her that Rama was invincible, and that it was best if he obeyed Rama’s orders to protect her. On the verge of hysterics, Sita insisted that it was not she but her lord who needed Lakshmana’s help. After drawing a protective circle round the cottage, he stipulated that she was not to go outside the circle.
When Ravana found her alone and unprotected, he appeared in the guise of an ascetic requesting Sita’s hospitality. Unaware of his devious plan, Mother Sita left the protection of the circle, and was then forcibly carried away by Ravana. Jatayu, a giant vulture and friend of Rama, tried to rescue Sita, but was mortally wounded. Sita kept her presence of mind, and dropped her jewels among some monkeys.
When Ravana reached Lanka, he kept her under guard in the Asoka Garden. Ravana used various means of persuasion to force her to accept him. Of course, Sita was eternally devoted to Rama and rebuffed his overtures.
Search for Sita
Rama and Lakshmana learnt about Sita’s abduction from Jatayu. Because of his devotion and service to Rama, Jatayu received liberation from Rama. The princes immediately set out in search of Sita. During their quest,  Rama  killed a demon Kabandha, thus liberating him from a curse. They also met the ascetic Shabari, who directed them towards Risymukha Hill where they would meet Sugriva and Hanuman.


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