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Friday, March 23, 2018

Sauptika Parva

Sauptika Parva

The Sauptika Parva (Sanskrit: सौप्तिक पर्व), or the "Book of the Sleeping," is the tenth of eighteen books of the Indian Epic Mahabharata. Sauptika Parva has 2 sub-books and 18 chapters.
Sauptika Parva describes the revenge of Ashwatthama, Kritavarman and Kripa - the three out of five Kaurava survivors -the fourth being Karna's son Vrishakethu,who was too young to fight in the Kurukshetra War and Yuyutsu, The Kaurava's half-brother.In the night after the 18th day of the Kurukshetra War. Ashwatthama takes revenge for his father's death during the war by going to Pandava's camp and unleashing weapons that kills all those who sleep. The only survivors are those who were not in the camp - the five Pandava brothers, Satyaki and Krishna.
This Parva (book) has 2 sub-parvas (sub-books or little books) and 18 adhyayas (sections, chapters). The 2 sub-parvas are:
  1. Sauptika parva
  2. Aishika parva
Sauptika Parva describes the actions of Ashwatthama, Kritavarman and Kripa - the three out of four Kaurava survivors - after the 18th day of the Kurukshetra War. The three escape and retire in a forest. Ashwatthama is angry for his father's death and the deaths caused by the war. He comes up with a plan to massacre the remaining Pandava army while they sleep, on the night after the war is over. Kripa urges delay, questions the morality of killing those who sleep, and whether Ashwatthama's plan to take revenge has any productive purpose. Ashwatthama argues the whole war was unfair, everyone was unfair, and revenge is the only release. Ashwatthama leaves to kill the sleeping, Kritavarman and Kripa follow him. They reach the Pandava's camp and unleash weapons that kills all those who sleep.[3] The only survivors are those who were not at the camp - the five Pandava brothers, Satyaki and Krishna.
The news of the massacre of sleeping sons of Pandavas and all the people who supported Pandavas, shocks Draupadi and Pandava brothers. Draupadi demands justice. Bhima pursues Ashwatthama for justice. Ashwatthama accepts defeat.

Sauptika Parva

This is the 78th of the 100 Upa Parvas (Sections) situated in Sauptika Parva, 10th of the 18 Maha Parvas (Books) in the Vyasa Mahabharata. This Upa Parva mainly describes the slaughtering of the remainder of the Pandava army while they were sleeping, by Ashwatthama on the 18th night of Mahabharata war.
This Upa Parva has a total of 515 Shlokas organized into 9 Chapters.  Click to See...

Aishika Parva

This is the 79th of the 100 Upa Parvas situated in the tenth (Sauptika Parva) of the 18 Maha Parvas in the Vyasa Mahabharata. This Upa Parva mainly describes the release of Brahmastras by Ashwatthama and Arjuna, Bhima obtaining the Jewel from Ashwatthama's head, and Krishna's curse to Ashwatthama, in the morning after the war was over.
This Upa Parva has a total of 257 Shlokas organized into 9 Chapters.  Click to See...


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