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Saturday, April 7, 2018

Ashramavasa Parva

This is the 90th of the 100 Upa Parvas of the Mahabharata, situated in the Ashramavasika Parva, the 11th Maha Parva. As the name suggests, this Parva describes Dhritarashtra's life in the forest. The Parva starts with a description of how Dhritarashtra and Gandhari were looked after during the first 15 years of Yudhishthira's rule after the war, and 
continues with Dhritarashtra's decision to go and live in the forest for the rest of his life. The Parva further describes the dramatic events that preceded the journey to the forest, the Pandavas' visit to the forest to meet their elders - Dhritarashtra, Gandhari and Kunti; and Vidura leaving his mortal body and entering Yudhishthira.

This Upa Parva has 737 Shlokas organized into 35 Chapters.  Click to See…


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