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Friday, April 6, 2018

Sabhakriya Parva

This is the 20th of the 100 Upa Parvas (Sections), situated in Sabha Parva, the second of the 18 Maha Parvas (Books) of the original Mahabharata composed in Sanskrit by Vyasa. 
This Upa Parva mainly describes the construction and inauguration of the Maya Sabha at Indraprastha. Also included in this Upa Parva is the questioning of Yudhishtira by Narada about the duties of a king and the principles of ruling, the descriptions of the great Sabhas of Indra, Varuna, Kubera, Yama and Brahma from which Yudhishthira gets the idea of himself performing Rajasuya Yaga.

The Upa Parva has a total of 429 Shlokas organized in 11 Chapters.  Click to See…


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