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Friday, April 6, 2018

Khandavadaha Parva

This is the 19th of the 100 Upa Parvas (Sections), situated in Adi Parva, the first of the 18 Maha Parvas (Books) of the original Mahabharata composed in Sanskrit by Vyasa. 
As the name suggests, this Upa Parva mainly describes the burning of the Khandava forest. This Upa Parva contains Sarangopakhyana, the story of the four Saranga birds that survived the burning of the Khandava forest. The South Indian Recension also has, in this Upa Parva, the popular story of Swetaki and Agni, which is not included in the Pune Critical Edition of Mahabharata.

This Upa Parva has a total of 338 Shlokas organized into 12 Chapters (214-224). And with this ends the Adi Parva - the first Maha Parva of the epic.  Click to See…


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