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Friday, April 6, 2018

Kairata Parva

This is the 31st of the 100 Upa Parvas situated in the third (Vana Parva) of the 18 Maha Parvas in the Vyasa Mahabharata. As the name suggests, this Upa Parva mainly describes Arjuna's encounter with Lord Shiva in the disguise of a hunter (Kirata) and obtaining from the latter the Pashupata weapon. 
The specific episodes that are described in this Upa Parva include: (1) the friends' visit to the Pandavas in the Kamyaka forest (2) the Pandavas moving to Dvaitavana (3) Markandeya's visit to the Pandavas in the Dvaitavana (4) Baka Dalbhya's discourse (5) Conversation between Draupadi and Yudhishthira (6) Conversation between Bhimasena and Yudhishthira (7) Arjuna setting out in search of the divine weapons and (8) Arjuna obtaining Pasupata from Shiva. This Upa Parva also has a detailed account of killing of Salva by Krishna, called the Saubhavadhopakhyana - related by Krishna to Yudhishthira when the former visited the Kamyaka forest.

This Upa Parva has a total of 1150 Shlokas organized into 30 Chapters.  Click to See…


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