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Friday, April 6, 2018

Chaitraratha Parva

This is the 11th of the 100 Upa Parvas (Sections), situated in Adi Parva, the first of the 18 Maha Parvas (Books) of the original Mahabharata composed in Sanskrit by Vyasa.
 This Upa Parva has the stories of the births of Draupadi and Dhrishtadyumna as told by a travelling Brahmin to the Pandavas, the previous life of Draupadi as narrated by Vyasa to the Pandavas, as well as Tapatyopakhyana - the story of Samvarana and Tapati - the ancestors of the Pandavas, Vasishthopakyana - the story of Vasishtha and Vishvamitra, and Aurvopakhyana, as told by Gandharva Chitraratha to the Pandavas.

The Upa Parva has a total of 566 Shlokas organized in 22 Chapters. Click to See...


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